Monday 16 November 2015

The Guilt

What have I done. I have murdered the king of Scotland. I cannot believe I have murdered someone. I have committed a crime I cannot take back. What am I supposed to do now? I feel so guilty for killing the king. Now everyone will find out and I’ll get killed. No, no one will find out. No one will know I killed Duncan. This is a secret to be kept. The plan went as hoped. I killed him at my palace the night he stayed over. It was extremely hard to do but I knew I had to do it to become king. If I could take it back now I would. I thought that being king would give me a better feeling of being on top of everyone but I just worse than I did before. I am not as happy as I thought I would be. Even though I have washed the blood off my hands the guilt can never be washed away. I will have this guilt inside of me forever. I wish that I could turn back and not have killed Duncan. Duncan was a very good man and a very good king. He helped me become the Thane of Cawdor and in return I have killed him. Lady Macbeth and I thought that killing the king would make us happy by being the king and queen but we soon realized that killing Duncan in fact didn’t make us happy. We both know that what we did was wrong but it cannot be taken back.

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