Monday 16 November 2015

Becoming King

I am determined to be king. King Duncan is a good king but I know I can be better. I am planning different ways that I can become king. Out of the many different ways I can choose from, killing Duncan is the best decision so I can be sure I take the spot of being king. Unfortunately, I will run into another obstacle that will throw off my plan of becoming king. I have to pass over Malcolm, the prince of Cumberland in order to be king. I have to make sure that Malcom doesn’t get in the middle of my plan. The only way to do that would be to kill Malcolm. I will deal with him when the time comes. The plan I have come up is a pretty brilliant plan. I hope everything works out and I successfully become king. The plan is to have Duncan over at my palace for a night. While he is sleeping Lady Macbeth will get his guards drunk so they have no idea what will happen. Then I will kill Duncan and Lady Macbeth will stage the scene so it looks like the guards have killed King Duncan. When the guards wake up they will have no idea what’s happening and they will be full of blood with the daggers beside them. In my opinion this is an amazing plan. Poor Duncan does not know what’s coming for him when he visits my palace. Lady Macbeth thinks that I don’t have the strength in me to be evil and kill Duncan. Ill prove her wrong by murdering the king of Scotland. In no time the crown will be mine and I will be King of Scotland.

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