Monday 16 November 2015

Becoming King

I am determined to be king. King Duncan is a good king but I know I can be better. I am planning different ways that I can become king. Out of the many different ways I can choose from, killing Duncan is the best decision so I can be sure I take the spot of being king. Unfortunately, I will run into another obstacle that will throw off my plan of becoming king. I have to pass over Malcolm, the prince of Cumberland in order to be king. I have to make sure that Malcom doesn’t get in the middle of my plan. The only way to do that would be to kill Malcolm. I will deal with him when the time comes. The plan I have come up is a pretty brilliant plan. I hope everything works out and I successfully become king. The plan is to have Duncan over at my palace for a night. While he is sleeping Lady Macbeth will get his guards drunk so they have no idea what will happen. Then I will kill Duncan and Lady Macbeth will stage the scene so it looks like the guards have killed King Duncan. When the guards wake up they will have no idea what’s happening and they will be full of blood with the daggers beside them. In my opinion this is an amazing plan. Poor Duncan does not know what’s coming for him when he visits my palace. Lady Macbeth thinks that I don’t have the strength in me to be evil and kill Duncan. Ill prove her wrong by murdering the king of Scotland. In no time the crown will be mine and I will be King of Scotland.

The Guilt

What have I done. I have murdered the king of Scotland. I cannot believe I have murdered someone. I have committed a crime I cannot take back. What am I supposed to do now? I feel so guilty for killing the king. Now everyone will find out and I’ll get killed. No, no one will find out. No one will know I killed Duncan. This is a secret to be kept. The plan went as hoped. I killed him at my palace the night he stayed over. It was extremely hard to do but I knew I had to do it to become king. If I could take it back now I would. I thought that being king would give me a better feeling of being on top of everyone but I just worse than I did before. I am not as happy as I thought I would be. Even though I have washed the blood off my hands the guilt can never be washed away. I will have this guilt inside of me forever. I wish that I could turn back and not have killed Duncan. Duncan was a very good man and a very good king. He helped me become the Thane of Cawdor and in return I have killed him. Lady Macbeth and I thought that killing the king would make us happy by being the king and queen but we soon realized that killing Duncan in fact didn’t make us happy. We both know that what we did was wrong but it cannot be taken back.

The Death of Banquo and Fleance

Now that I have become king I have to make sure that my spot as king is secured. To do so I need to make sure that no one in Banquo’s family becomes king. Unfortunately, the witches have given Banquo good news that his sons will become king. This is horrible news for me. This means that Banquo’s family will be king after me for all the hard work and sacrifices I have had to make. This is the worst possible news I could ever get. This means that some way I have to get rid of Banquo’s family. I need to make sure that Banquo’s family does not get the result of my hard work. To resolve my issue I need to kill Banquo and his son Fleance. To do that I will hire two murderers to kill Banquo and Fleance away from my castle so it doesn’t put any suspicion on me. I have hired the murderers to kill Banquo and Fleance when there go on their ride. The murderers will follow them and kill them. This will take place in the night time so that I can call upon darkness to help the murderers to kill them. This will give me the reassurance that Banquo’s family will not become king. I hope this plan works out because if it does I have nothing to worry about and I can be king of Scotland for as long as I live! Banquo’s family will never be king after this.

My Beloved Wife

I cannot believe that Lady Macbeth is dead. I do not understand how I didn’t notice that she was sick and needed me to be there for her. Instead I have been selfish and only thought about myself and no one else. I feel guilty for not noticing this earlier. She was my true love and now she is gone. I feel like a part of my heart has been taken away and I don’t know how it will ever be complete again. She is a huge part of my life and without her I would have never become king. She encouraged me to always follow my heart and go through with my determination. She has been there for me like no one ever else has been and I regret not noticing this sooner. My love for her will never go away until the day I die. Lady Macbeth has been by me for so long and we have been through everything together. Knowing that my one and only has passed makes me feel broken inside. I feel like I cannot function. I hope I can get through this difficult time. In addition, I needed Lady Macbeth more than ever now that I am going into battle with Macduff. I need her encouragement and reassurance and unfortunately I do not have that now. I guess I will have to do it without her. I will not be able to grieve over my lovely wife now that the battle will begin. I will always be thinking of her all day every day. She is my true love and I will never forget about her.